Product Photo MissingPART # 967
Cutwork Pieces

Cutwork is heirloom, but you can make a bold modern statment with it as well. Take the pieces and let your imagination run wild. This collection is loaded with cutwork pieces that you can mix and match to create a multitude of designs. Some of them have been combined for you to get your creative juices flowing. The CD/Flash Drive has complete instructions for combining the pieces. It also has instructions for the three tee shirts on the cover. The instructions include the technique that eliminates wiskers on the cut edges. You'll love the results.

Media Type

$35.00 Per Collection

Volume Pricing
5 or more of the same Design $33.25 Per Collection
10 or more of the same Design $29.75 Per Collection
15 or more of the same Design $21.00 Per Collection


See drawings and sizes of all designs on the CD

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