In this class you’ll learn how to layer the fabric, what fabric to use and which stabilizers are best. Find out what a fabric sandwich is. This class will take all the mystery out of everything. Use your embroidery machine and try your hand at in-the-hoop reverse Madeira appliqué, Madeira double scalloped hems and one with shaped lace above the hem. You’ll be able to test drive the techniques with both traditional heirloom fabrics and modern fabric and discover the differences.
No heirloom experience required!
Zoom or in-person.
Bring your embroidery machine to this hands-on class, you’ll get tips for perfect placement and matching, tips for stabilizer and see how different colors of fabric change the look of the appliqué.
Class Fee (per person): $25, 4 hour class
Kit Fee: $40 Includes: Embroidery designs, 100% cotton batiste, 100% cotton English netting, specialty needles, embroidery thread, stabilizer, templates and instruction booklet. Embroidery designs will be emailed to students ahead of time so they can be loaded into their machines prior to class.